Her name is Lolo, she was a rescue...

I have been taking care of Lolo for 7 days now.  Her mom rescued her 2 years ago when she was 3.  She has trust issues.  She was terrified of her last walker.  Her mom suggested I use hot dogs to gain her trust.  When I walked in the first day, the poor girl was shaking like a leaf.  I gave her hot dogs, she was not that interested.  So for the next few days, I'd go in, sat down, no eye contact, per her mom's instructions, and just fed her hot dogs and talked to her, telling her she is a very good girl, when she stopped shaking, we go out for a potty break.   A few days ago, she ate hot dogs out of my hand.  I got her to sit and give me her paw.  Yesterday, she let me pat her!!  Today, I got her to come over to me, and we walked all the way to the park!!!  I know it will take a while before she will trust me completely, but it is good to see progress every day.  This week, her friend, Sophie, is visiting.